Shining a Spotlight on Technological Excellence

IMC Awards

The IMC Awards are not just accolades but a celebration of technological brilliance, ingenuity, and transformative impact. Each year, we recognize the extraordinary businesses, innovations, and institutions that are driving progress and setting new benchmarks in their fields. By spotlighting the achievements, we aim to inspire others to innovate, disrupt, and excel.  Got what it takes to inspire transformation in the industry? Don’t miss your chance to get recognized by the most prestigious awards in the ICT and TMT sector. Nominate your entries by 25 September 2024.

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IMC 2024 Award Partner


IMC 2024 Awards Categories

1. Definition

This award recognizes the best 5G solution/service implementation that has transformed the traditional way of working.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The use case must be implemented in the year leading up to 31st March 2024

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Creativity and Impact on Users

    2) Innovation

    3) Functionality

    4) Enhancements

    5) Impact

    6) Performance and reliability

5. Questions

    1) Explain the features and performance of the solution that is creative and has impacted the users positively. How many clients / Number of deployments of the 5G solution/service?

    2) How innovative is the 5G case service and how it benefits the users of the service?

    3) How does the service deliver business benefits?

    4) In case of 4G deployment, highlight the key enhancements between the 4G and 5G implementations.

    5) On what scale impact has been done for a specific industry or more industries?

    6) How is the service performance and how reliable is it?

1. Definition

The award will recognize MSMEs that are building innovative software, products, service or solutions for telecommunication industry, with potential for employee generation and wealth creation. Organization with turnover < 250 Cr. and investment less than 50 Cr will only be considered in this category.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The organization must be headquartered in India

2) It must be involved in the production of telecom products or services.

3) Investment must be less than 50 Cr and annual turnover must be less than 250 Cr.

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Business Turnover and Growth rate

    3) Impact of innovation in the market

    4) Targeted customer base

    5) Availability of the service

    6) Exports

5. Questions

    1) What is the problem your company is solving ? Share the 3 best use cases of your product/solution

    2) How would you place yourself in the industry? Demonstrate it in terms of growth rate, business turnover and investment?

    3) What is the impact of your innovative services on your customers 'top and bottom lines? Share your view on the socio-economic impact of your product?

    4) What innovative steps have you taken to reach your target customers ?

    5) What is the breadth of services being provided? Share key service KPIs(geography, customer touch points etc.)?

    6) Do you export your software, products, service or solutions outside India?

1. Definition

The entrant participant must have engineered an innovative product or solution developed in India. The innovation must have been done before the 31st of March,2024

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) Product/Solution should be developed in India

2) Innovation should have been done before 31st March 2024

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Business Turnover and Growth rate

    3) Impact of innovation in the market

    4) Percentage of indigenization

    5) Market

    6) Targeted customer base

    7) Availability of the service

5. Questions

    1) Enumerate the features of the product/ application, and demonstrate how it is innovative in terms of what is available in the market?

    2) How would you place yourself in the industry? Demonstrate it in terms of growth rate, business turnover and investment?

    3) What is the impact of your innovative services on your customers 'top and bottom lines? Elaborate on the ways the product supports the society. (Can Include ways in which the product solves a problem that is prevalent in the society currently) (reduction in customer complaints, improvements in operational efficiencies, improved SLAs, reduced deployment type etc.)

    4) What is the percentage of the product/solution is manufactured/originated out of India?

    5) Has the product or solution found acceptance globally?

    6)What innovative steps have you taken to reach your target customers ?

    7) How is it ensured that the product reaches the targeted market?

1. Definition

This award recognizes the best consumer device and application enhancing convenience and efficiency in the consumers' day to day activities.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The device and application should directly provide services directly to the consumers.

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Quality and Design of the tech

    2) Performance and reliability

    3) Targeted customer base

    4) Impact

    5) Availability of the service

    6) Current Market Share in India

5. Questions

    1) How effective is the device & application and, how it helps support the consumer in their operations?

    2) How is the service performance and how reliable is it? Share key service performance parameters. How convenient is it to use the consumer device and application for the consumer?

    3) What innovative steps have you taken to reach your target customers ?

    4) On what scale impact has been done for a specific industry or more industries?

    5) How is it ensured that the product reaches the targeted market?

    6) What is the current market share of your consumer device and application in India?

1. Definition

Mobile networks have the power to accelerate sustainable goals globally. This award highlights the very best examples of players who are supporting and contributing to one or several Sustainable Development Goals.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The organization must have achieved one or more sustainable development goals.

2) The organization should have sustainability as an integral part of its long term strategy and operations.

3) The sustainable development activities should have visible impact .

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Sustainability reporting

    2) Impact created by sustainable strategy

    3) Materiality Assessment

    4) Compliance check CSR and convergence with SDGs

    5) Compliance Certificate

5. Questions

  • 1) A) Are annual sustainability reports being published? If yes, for how many years?
  • B) Has the organisation started integrated reporting wherein financial and sustainability reports are combined in one report? If yes, for how many years?
  • C) Are any global standards followed in sustainability reporting (GRI, SASB, TCFD)? If not, elaborate on the framework created towards sustainability reporting.
  • D) Do you have any carbon credits?
  • 2) What is the impact created by your sustainable strategy initiatives?
  • 3) A) Does the organization have a separate division or committee dedicated to guiding and monitoring the organization's sustainability strategy? Please share details and composition of the same.
  • B) Have efforts been made towards quantification of ESG risks through a materiality assessment?
  • C) Have efforts been made towards sustainable sourcing and supply chain management?
  • 4) A) What is the prescribed amount required for CSR spending for the organization ?
  • B) How much was the CSR spending of the organization in the last 3 FYs ?
  • C) What is the SDG alignment of the CSR activities/ spending? Please mention overlaps, if any, between the SDG interventions listed previously and CSR activities mentioned here.
  • D) Have any third party impact assessments been carried out of the organizations' sustainability efforts
  • 5) Do you have any government mandate or compliance certificate in line of sustainable reporting?
1. Definition

The entrant participant must have developed a telecom software/solution enabling 5G development and deployment that helps telecommunication companies accelerate their digital transformation and adjust legacy infrastructure up to dynamic market requirements.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) Software developed should have been used in the telecom domain.

2) The deployment should have been done before 31st March 2024.

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Software stack

    2) Security

    3) Innovation

    4) Impact

    5) Performance and reliability

    6) Contribution to overall digital transformation

5. Questions

    1) What technology stack was used to develop the software?

    2) How is security implemented?

    3) Enumerate the features of the software, and demonstrate how it is innovative in terms of what is available in the market?

    4) What is the impact of the software? (benefits delivered, clients impacted)? Is it impacting the top line or the bottom line?

    5) How does it differentiate from the other software already present in the market? What are the key performance KPIs and how does it compare to competition?

    6) How does your software integrate with overall digital transformation of the company ?

1. Definition

The entrant participant must be an OEM enabled with Telco services. The core of digital transformation should be telco led

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The entrant participant must have accomplished the digital transformation initiative in the year leading up to 31st March 2024

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Core of the digital transformation

    2) ROI

    3) Innovation

    4) Impact of innovation on business

5. Questions

    1) Is the core of this digital transformation a telco led module?

    2) What is absolute ROI?

    3) What is the benefit delivered by the initiative and how can it be differentiated by other digital initiatives? (increase in profitability, reduction in operational expenses, etc.)

    4) How has this initiative affected the organization's/ client's business and its/ their operations? (improvement in SLAs, reduction in time to deploy, etc.)

1. Definition

This award seeks to celebrate the best solution that has been implemented in terms of security, privacy and authentication.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The entrant participant must have implemented the solution in the year leading up to 31st March 2024

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Security Privacy and Authentication

    3) Impact of the solution once delivered

    4) Certifications

5. Questions

    1) How is the solution different as compared to the competition and what unique benefits does it bring to the consumer?

    2) How has the solution enabled data security and privacy?

    3) What impact does the solution have in the lives of consumers and how has it effected the market/competition?

    4) What certifications and compliances are being adhered to?

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the best Indian origin company that owns an IPR in the year leading up to March 31st 2024, in the Telecom sector. Any one who files for IPR, can be a research institute, can be individual and should be targeted towards improving and enhancing the Telecom ecosystem

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The Indian IPR must be owned before the 31st of March, 2024.

2) It should have been developed in India

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Impact on existing technology

    3) Scalability

    4) Revenue

5. Questions

    1) Enumerate the features of the product/ application, and demonstrate how it is innovative in terms of what is available in the market?

    2) What is the impact of the technology ? What is the expected market size of the use case/innovation?

    3) How scalable is the technology implementation of the IPR owned and how would it impact once scaled up?

    4) Is there any revenue generated from the IPR?

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the biggest telecom exporter of the year leading up to 31st March 2024

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The telecom technology exporter can be registered outside India but exporting must be from India.

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Quantity of technological equipments exported

    2) Geographical coverage

    3) Additional supporting services/exports

    4) Government scheme

5. Questions

    1) What is the quantity of the technological telecom equipments exported? What is the global market share?

    2) What is the size of export against the overall global export? Which countries are catered to by the export?

    3) Are there any other services or exports that dovetails this export? If yes, what is the market share of the additional services/exports?

    4) Are there any key government schemes that are being utilized?

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the biggest Indian telecom exporter of the year leading up to 31st March 2024

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The telecom technology exporter has to be registered in India and manufacturing in India

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Quantity of technological equipments exported

    2) Geographical coverage

    3) Additional supporting services/exports

    4) Government scheme

5. Questions

    1) What is the quantity of the technological telecom equipments exported? What is the global market share?

    2) What is the size of export against the overall global export? Which countries are catered to by the export?

    3) Are there any other services or exports that dovetails this particular export? If yes, what is the market share of the additional services/exports?

    4) Are there any key government schemes that are being utilized?

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the best education institute exhibit that had the maximum impact and has the most potential

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter.

3. Application Form

NA (Will be judged during the event)

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Overall audience footfall

    2) Clarity of Message delivered and impact it had on the audience

    3) Innovative idea to promote education

    4) Technology use case

5. Questions

    1) How are you looking to engage with the audience ?

    2) What is the message you are trying to deliver through this engagement ?

    3) What is your innovative idea(s)/ use of technology to convey the message appropriately to the visitors ?

    4) What technology use case is being presented?

Click here to answer the questions

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the best Indian local-global startup established in the year leading up to 31st March 2024

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The establishment should have been set up by an Indian founder in the year leading up to 31st March 2024.

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Business Turnover

    3) Size of startup

    4) Tech maturity

    5) Impact

    6) Scalability

    7) Market presence

5. Questions

    1) Enumerate the features of the startup, in terms of how it is different and unique as compared to similar offerings in the market

    2) Please share your business turnover and investment?

    3) How many employees does the start up have?

    4) What is the level of technology deployment of your company?

    5) What is the impact created by your start up?

    6) Is the product or solution scalable to international customers?

    7) Does the startup already have an international presence? If yes, what is the market share?

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the best established start-up while being on-campus i.e. all founders must be college students. The establishment should have been done before the 31st of March, 2024

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) The establishment should have been done by college students before 31st March 2024

3. Application Form

Click here to fill the application form

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Innovation

    2) Business Turnover

    3) Impact

    4) Size of startup

    5) Tech maturity

    6) Scalability

    7) Market presence

5. Questions

    1) Enumerate the features of the start-up, in terms of how it is different and unique as compared to similar offerings in the market?

    2) Please share your business turnover and investment?

    3) What is the impact created by your start-up?

    4) How many employees does the start-up have?

    5) What is the level of technology deployment of your company?

    6) Keeping in mind the current market scenario, how scalable is the start-up and what is your plan to help scale it?

    7) Does the start-up already have an international presence and what is the market share?

1. Definition

All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter this category. Judges will consider only the entries' exterior designs, along with information regarding the inspirations behind the designs.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter.

3. Application Form

NA (Will be judged during the event)

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Overall look and feel of the exhibit

    2) Clarity of Message delivered with the Interactive activity

    3) Innovative idea to build overall immersive experience

5. Questions

    1) How are you looking to engage with the audience ?

    2) What is the message you are trying to deliver through this engagement ?

    3) What is your innovative idea(s)/ use of technology to build an immersive experience for the visitors ?

Click here to answer the questions

1. Definition

All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter this category. Judges will consider any activity or interactive experience within exhibitor stall.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter.

3. Application Form

NA (Will be judged during the event)

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Overall audience footfall

    2) Interpretation of theme behind the exhibit

    3) Creativity and Originality of the design

    4) Digital Engagement and sensory branding

    5) Tech maturity

    6) Scalability

    7) Market presence

4. Questions

    1) How are you looking to engage with the audience ?

    2) What is the message you are trying to deliver through this engagement ?

    3) What is your innovative idea(s)/ use of technology to build an immersive experience for the visitors ?

Click here to answer the questions

1. Definition

This award seeks to identify the best ministerial exhibit that had the maximum impact and has the most potential.

2. Eligibility Criteria

1) All exhibitors at IMC 2024 are eligible to enter.

3. Application Form

NA (Will be judged during the event)

4. Evaluation Parameters

    1) Overall audience footfall

    2) Clarity of Message delivered and impact it had on the audience

    3) Innovative idea to promote socio-economic growth in society

    4) Technology use case

4. Questions

    1) How are you looking to engage with the audience ?

    2) What is the message you are trying to deliver through this engagement ?

    3) What is your innovative idea(s)/ use of technology to convey the message appropriately to the visitors ?

    4) What technology use case is being presented ?

Past Highlights

"Recognizing Excellence: A Glimpse into Past Award-Winning Moments"


Awards Gallery